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This equipment is a special withering equipment for the malting system.Hot air is blown by a high-power blower to wither the malt layer and make the temperature uniform,in order to completely meet the technological requirements of malt kilning,so as to obtain uniform and tidy malt.



  Yinxing Company Kiln Systems Overview

 At Yinxing Company,we are dedicated to advancing malt processing technology,offering a range of kiln designs that optimize drying efficiency and process time.Our kilns are equipped with features that ensure homogeneous drying and maximum efficiency in plant operations:


 Uniform Loading and Unloading:Adaptable loading heights and design ensure consistent treatment of all malt.


 Efficient Air Management:High-power blowers deliver hot air across the malt layer,maintaining a consistent temperature that meets the rigorous standards of malt kilning.


 Indirect Heating and Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger:These features are standard in our kilns,facilitating heat recovery and reducing energy costs.


 Advanced Automation and Impeccable Sealing:Our kiln designs incorporate leading-edge automation and sealing technologies,enhancing both performance and user satisfaction.

 Our kilns are not only effective but also versatile,suitable for installation in both tower and flat plant configurations.We cater to a variety of construction requirements,offering everything from classic single-floor kilns to innovative double kilns coupled in air and heat technology.This versatility ensures that we can meet diverse operational needs and construction specifications.

 Yinxing Company takes pride in having constructed Asia's largest kiln,reflecting our commitment to excellence and leadership in the malt processing industry.Our equipment transforms green malt into high-quality malt through a meticulous and gentle withering process.

 We provide customized solutions tailored to your specific needs,from material specifications to production capacity.For those seeking standard,reliable,and efficient solutions,our standard kiln models are readily available.Trust Yinxing Company for your malt drying needs and experience the benefits of our cutting-edge technology and thoughtful design.



Keywords: Kilning


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